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Special Thanks for Helpful Information:
Chris Dinanno
Steve Farhlender
Joe Lang
Chuck Luce
Ken Stempien
Mike Williams
Joe Yager
Hawaiian Money Standard Catalog "Second Edition" by Donald Medcalf & Ronald Russell 1991
Medals of the United States Mint Issued for Public Sale by Captain Kenneth M. Failor & Eleonora Hayden 1974
The Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of United States and Canadian Transportation Tokens, Vol 1 & 2 by John M. Coffee, Jr & Harold V. Ford 1989
So-Called Dollars by Harold E. Hibler & Charles V. Kappen 1963
National Commemorative Medals of the United States Mint by John T. Dean 2008
Coin Club Medals of San Diego County California by Chuck Luce 2000
Medallic Arts Company American Revolution Bicentennial Medals by Anthony S. Kim 2015
Medals of the United States Mint - The First Century 1792-1892 by RW Julian & N. Neil Harris 1977
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